Ordering First Draft

Walkthrough of How to Order First Draft service from the TranscribeMe! Customer Portal

You can order First Draft transcripts either with time stamps and speaker IDs or without. Just follow the instructions below:


Log in to your Customer Portal account by entering your email address and then your password.


Upload your files using the Customer Portal Walkthrough. If you are ready to order as soon as you upload your files in one selection, you can click on the orange 'Transcribe' button on the bottom of the right side of the page.

If you are ready to order files you have previously uploaded, move the cursor over the Ready to Transcribe button and click the right-pointing arrow. Or, if you have multiple files you have already uploaded, you can select each one by clicking the box to the left of the file name and then click the Transcribe button at the top.

A box will open showing the files you currently have selected and allowing you to upload any additional files you need. Once you have all the files you need, click the Transcribe button.


In the Transcription Details page, choose First Draft service. You will then be asked to choose 3 settings for your order: Language, Accent and Timestamps and Speaker IDs.

  a) Language is the source language the file was rcorded in. Different languages result in different prices. English is $0.79 per minute without Timestamps and Speaker IDs.
  b) Accent is not the accent of the speakers but rather the accent to be used for spelling in the transcript. So English could be Austrailian, British, North American, etc.
  c) In the Add Timestamps and Speaker IDs section, choose 'Not Included'. Please note that if wish to get the US $0.79 pricing for First Draft, you need to select "Not Included" under speaker selection.  

  d) To include timestamps and speaker IDs change the Add Timestamps and Speaker IDs selection to the number of speakers in your file. The price will now increase from $0.79 per minute to $1.10 per minute. Select the other options that you want and then click Continue.

*Please note: Do not change the Turnaround time, as First Draft files are usually completed within 24 hours, if you change the turnaround time to 1 Business day you are not going to get your transcript any faster, but you will be charged double the price, as 1 Business Day is our RUSH service and it doubles the reguar rate.


From here, please follow Step 6 and onwards of our Customer Portal Walkthrough to complete your order.

We hope this article has been helpful to you. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact us at support@transcribeme.com

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